
The Firebird Foundation has an invitation-only application process. The majority of our grants are made to our long-standing partners or are invited to apply based on their campaign, operational and research work.

Although we operate an invitation-only application process, we want to hear about ideas and work that fit within our pillars of support. If an organisation believes that strong alignment exists with the Firebird Foundation’s  funding priorities, we encourage the organisation to submit an unsolicited letter of enquiry. We will invite the organisation to apply for a grant if we also find alignment with our funding priorities and vision.

Our ambition is to  develop or join initiatives in our areas of interest by issuing calls for proposals on our website or convening policymakers and practitioners to explore solutions to critical issues.

The Firebird Foundation will invite an organisation working in our areas of interest to submit a concept note and/or complete an application for funding. Not-for-profit organisations who have not been invited to apply by the Foundation can submit unsolicited requests for funding through our letter of enquiry process.